Learn Isoko Language: Basic Isoko Alphabets

iSokoVibe Editor
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Learn Isoko Language, Basic Isoko Alphabets
Learn Isoko Language: Basic Isoko Alphabets

Hello and welcome to Our Isoko Lesson for Today.

Today’s I’ll be Teaching you about all the Basis Isoko Alphabets starting from the Isoko Vowels, Isoko Consonants and Isoko Digraphs which are important to Learn Isoko Language

Isoko Alphabets

These below are the Isoko Language Alphabets, they includes the Vowels and Consonants.

A  B  D  E  Ẹ  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  Ọ  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Isoko Vowels

With the Vowels below, you can make any statement in Isoko language and they are the key difference that sets the Isoko Alphabets above from the English Alphabets


Isoko Vowels | How they sound in English

  A – are
  E – hey
Ẹ – eh
I – he
O – oh
Ọ – or
    U – who

Isoko Consonants

These Consonants are alphabets that works with the Vowels to Create Words in Isoko Language just as they work for English language

B  D  F  G  H  J  K  L  M  N  P  R  S  T  V  W  Y  Z

Isoko Digraphs

Digraphs are two letters or alphabet that are combined in order to make a different sound, so these diagraphs below are the Isoko Digraphs.

Gb, Gh, Kp, Hw, Wh, Th, Sh, Nw, Ny, Ch.

Here’s how Isoko Alphabets Are Pronounced including Vowels, Consonants and Diagraphs

This Video below will teach you exactly how the Isoko Alphabets are Pronounced which of course includes the Vowels, Consonants and Diagraphs, all which makes up for a good understanding of the Isoko Language

Isoko Alphabets Pronunciations

Also Read: Isoko Traditional Attires: Cultural Values and importance

Additional Video Tutorial to Learn Isoko Language Alphabets

This Video gives you additional insights on the Basic Isoko Language Alphabets and how they work in a Sentence or how to use them to make any sentence.

Isoko Alphabets Tutorial
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