Brief History and Details of Aviara Kingdom in Isoko Tribe

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Photo Credits: Isoko/Facebook

Aviara Kingdom is Located in Isoko South L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria, The kingdom ruled by a monarch with the title Ovie of Aviara.

• Communities in Aviara, Isoko South L.G.A

The kingdom comprises of Aviara main town also called Orhode and thirteen other Communities/Villages Namely;
Araya, Okpare, Okpawha, Iwhre-lkpa, Otoka, Sapele, iwre-Okekaro, Egbeme, Aberuo,
Ughelli- Aviara, Ewhokpka, Edherie and Ukpude.

• Leadership of Aviara Kingdom

The Kingdom is ruled by His Royal Majesty, Michael Efeareduo Ebobo Imoh, the revered Ovie Of Aviara Kingdom. Each of the communities has its autonomous community development committee, while the Aviara Clan Federal Union constitutes the apex body which regulates the chiefs (Edio lgho), the Oletu-Ode, the Otota, and the Osogba-ldudu. These twelve personalities serve as part of the council of advisers to the Ovie in their various capacities.

Among the nine, Odio-lgho is the Odiologbo of Aviara who is usually the oldest Odio lgho by installation and who is also the next in hierarchy of position and authority to the Ovie.

• Occupations in Aviara

Aviara is predominantly an agrarian society with a very rich arable land. Farming and fishing are the main occupations. Food crops such as cassava and yam are cultivated year in year out. Cash crops such as kola nuts, oil palms, rice and groundnuts are also produced in the area.

Aviara is blessed with many lakes and swampy lands and almost every man in Aviara is a fisherman who can boast of producing the daily fish consumption of his family without resort to the local market.

There is a fish festival every year beginning from the month of December to April when the lakes are harvested one after the other.
The rainy and flood seasons are a boom to all and at that period, no restriction is placed on the process and method desired by any individual to catch the fish from our various territorial waters.

Modern fish production technology is also practised in Aviara kingdom. The swampy nature of the land makes for adequate growth of the
fishing industries.

The Aviara fish farm which was one of the largest fish production facility in West Afirica as at the time of induction in 1976 has been long been neglected.

• Natural Resources in Aviara

Ewhokpaka which is one of the communities in Aviara clan is widely known for the traditional production of clay pots and other kitchen utensils such as clay laden and clay mugs. The clay soil
is still in abundance in Ewhokpaka-Aviara which when vigorously utilized could form a material base for the ceramic industry.

• Religion in Aviara

Aviara is one of the communities in Isoko land that embraced the Christian religion at the very early time of missionary incursion into the Niger Delta so much so that we cannot only boast of great men of God who have emerged from the area, but we can also boast that the greatest miracle ever in Isoko land took place in Araya- Aviara; it is believed that the Almighty God personaly dropped His Holy Bible on the land.

The Araya bible site has today become a major religious tourist centre in Nigeria with
people trooping infrom far and near on daily basis.

The Bible site has seen an influx of the pilgrims to the site. The Araya-Aviara Bible site is
a promising and viable economic potential in Isoko land.


1. Sourced from Comr. Jephthah O. Johnson Via ISOKO ORACLE/FACEBOOK

2. Edited and Justified by Ebeh Christopher

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